Magic Proposal Methodology
Here's How Went From Selling $300 Projects to $50K+ Projects 👇
After years of charging $2k - $3k for our projects we discovered...
This simple structure allowed us to start landing $50k+ gigs

I wasn't sure why my mentor asked to see a copy of one of my proposals.

But I sent it over without much thought.  You see, at the time his business was doing $30M annually, and my business had one foot in the grave.

The first project I ever sold was $300.

And yet here I was a little more than two years later, and things hadn't improved much.

fast forward a few years...

today we regularly close BIG dollar projects like one of our most recent was $53,031.

The one before that was $17,921.70.

And the one just prior was $34,442.30.

As crazy it may sound, my business' transformation took place thanks to 7 minor tweaks my mentor told me to make to my proposals.

These tweaks worked so well that over the past 12 months we've closed $758,000 in new business (everything from SEO, photography, social media marketing, videography, graphic design, brand makeovers & marketing) thanks to our proposal methodology.
Our Magic Proposal Methodology is exactly what I wish I had during those years struggling to grow my business. After years, of only sharing it with a few friends - and watching it transform their businesses - I've decided to share it publicly.
Say goodbye to...
Prospects IGNORING your proposals
Closing less than 50% of proposals
Spending hours on each proposal you send
Clients with unrealistic expectation
Losing projects to your mediocre competitors
Trying to figure out what to "say" on your proposals
And use the Magic Proposal Methodology to…
Close WAY more of your proposals.
How much more revenue would you earn if you closed more than 50% of your propsosals?

Our proven proposal methodology will help make that a reality.

Become the ONLY logic choice.

Let's face it, there's never been more competition than there is today.  What if your proposal could make you instantly standout?

With the right structure your proposal becomes a powerful sales tool.

Attract BIGGER projects.

Have the right proposal structure is the first step towards attracting higher value & higher profit clients.

Our proven proposal methodology will give you the exact structure to follow.

Wondering if we just “got lucky” with a couple proposals? I don’t think so…
We’ve used this proposal formula to close nearly $10M in projects (ranging from $157 to $76,233) over the last few years.
Here’s what it looks like when to win 58% of your project bids with this simple proposal method...
Sick of spending hours on custom proposals — only to get ghosted or low-balled? Imagine if putting together a winning proposal was as easy as…
Download Our Proposal Template
We're going to give you the exact proposal template that allowed us to close $758,000 in new contracts in the past 12 month.
Simply Fill in the Blanks 

No more wasting time trying to figure out what to say, or which sections you need in your proposal.
Complete Our 3-Step Review Process
What should you look for before hitting the send button on your proposal? We'll show you the 3-Steps to ensure your proposal is perfect.
Send Over Your Proposal
No more worrying about if your proposal is "good" or not. Our Secret Proposal Methodology will give you the confidence you need to start winning more projects.
Follow up Like a Champ

You'll get our step-by-step proposal followup sequence. It ensures you stay top of mind without coming across as desperate.
Sit Back and Wait for Money to Arrive
That's it. Nothing else to it. We've done all the hard work and testing to perfect a winning proposal methodology.
Let me help you close more proposals & win bigger-ticket projects with this 7 step proposal method (that shows you how to build winning proposals in less than 20 minutes)
Introducing the Magic Proposal Methodology
The Proven Way to Instantly Standout from Your Competitors, Attract BIGGER Projects, Weed Out Whiny Clients, & Finally Have the Business You Deserve
The Proposal Methodology Includes:
Secret Proposal Methodology Workshop
Setting the Stage - Initial Inquiry Engineering
The Value Bridge Script
7-Tier Proposal Template - Create Proposals in 20 Minutes or Less
A Proven Post-Proposal Follow Sequence
Copy and Paste Proposal Followup Email Scripts
...all for only $19 today
Retail Price: $79.95
My agency has closed nearly $10M in proposals …but it didn’t start that way


In the early days of my freelance business, that making a few minor adjustments to our proposal would have led to such an astounding transformation in our business… 

I wouldn’t have believed you.  

I'm going to share with you how making a few simple tweaks to my proposal allowed me to:

  • build a multiple 7-figure marketing agency;
  • have an amazing team of 15+ people;
  • sell nearly $10M of our services;
  • attract high-profile clients from around the world.

Before I get into the details, I want to tell you how this radically different from what most “gurus” are talking about.

You see most of them  tell you that you need to:

  • Post WAY more on social media;
  • Bid more frequently on freelance marketplaces like Fiverr & Upwork;
  • Attend more networking events;
  • DM a bunch a people on social

Here’s the thing, doing all these things work, but they deplete all of your time and energy, leave you burnt out and feeling like you're stuck on a hamster wheel.

And worst of all, they keep you competing for the same low profit, demanding clients that every other freelancer in your space is competing for. 

How do I know? 

Because that explains my exact journey as a freelancer….

It seemed that the more I followed the “gurus” advice, the more stuck my business became, and the more frustrated and discouraged I became.  

You see, it wasn’t until a very successful business owner [at the time his business was at $30M annually] asked to see a copy of my proposal that EVERYTHING CHANGED FOR ME.

Up until that point, my projects were typically a few hundred dollars each.

But since following his advice our projects now average thousands of dollars:

Like this one for $53,031

Or this one for $17,921.70
Or this one for $34,442.30

Sure those are some of our larger projects…

But our average projects are now multiple thousands of dollars. 

And this didn’t happen because we:

  • Posted more on social media;
  • Attended more networking events;
  • Competed for more projects on freelance marketplaces.

It happened because we made 7 specific tweaks to our proposals that my friend who owned the very successful business challenged me to make.

Yep, that’s right…

As counterintuitive as it may sound, when structured correctly, your proposal can become the most powerful marketing tool in your arsenal.  

Over the past 12 months, that’s to our “Magic Proposal Methodology” we’ve closed $758,000 worth of new business.

And closed 58% of all the proposals we’ve submitted.

 Sure, those stats are impressive, but what’s even more impressive is the fact that the length of time our clients stay with us has continually increased over the years. 

Today, the average time someone stays with us as a paying client is now just over 3 years.  And this is without forcing people into long-term contracts.

They happily pay us month-after-month, year-after-year. 

Sure, we have to deliver results to keep clients for such a long time. But a big part of ensuring that we keep clients and deliver phenomenal results is because of the way our proposals are structured. 

Because of our Magic Proposal Methodology, our clients know exactly what they can expect out of the relationship.


And this is a big one, exactly what we expect from them during our working relationship.


In the early days of my freelance business, that making a few minor adjustments to our proposal would have led to such an astounding transformation in our business… 

I wouldn’t have believed you. 

You see, I started my freelancing journey in a small town with a population of 48k.

I had no connections. 
No money. 
And little hope of ever working with clients outside our small community. 

I spent my days working out of local coffee shops, and living off of the hope and prayer strategy. 

The hope and pray is when you hope and pray a new project magically falls in your lap!

Nothing against hope or prayer, but it certainly makes for a stressful life, and produces in a lot of financial worry. 

Contrast that to today...

We have an amazing 4,000 sq ft office.
A team of 15+ awesome people. 
Clients from around the world who love us, and say wonderful things about us.

You see, everything shifted for me, when I shifted my mindset around proposals. 

I used to feel that they were merely a necessary evil. 
Something that had to be done. 

But once my friend, the successful business owner, challenged my beliefs about our proposal, things began to change. 

He challenged me to change my mindset about the potential power - and magic  - a proposal could have on my business. 

He challenged me to think of our proposal as THE most important positioning and marketing tool at our disposal.

I’m so thankful I was open-minded enough to listen to his feedback, and begin creating our Magic Proposal Methodology. 

So what exactly is our Magic Proposal Methodology?  

It is the exact 7-tweaks we made to our proposals that enable us to go from hundred dollar projects, to averaging more than 5-figures per client. 

Over the years, I’ve shared our Magic Proposal Methodology with a handful of freelancers, and I've watched them each, almost magically, transform their businesses. 

And now for the first time ever, we’re sharing it with the public.  

Magic Proposal Methodology Workshop will show you:

  • How a simple mindset shift can transform your business
  • The exact cadence and questions you MUST ask prospects prior to sending them a proposal
  • The 7tiers you MUST have on your proposals if you want to:
    • close more high-dollar projects
    • generate more revenue
    • earn more profit
    • and create referrals for your business 
  • Our proven post-proposal followup system
    • exactly when to follow up
    • exactly what to say
    • and what you should mail them.

So if you know you’re capable of WAY more success in your freelance business than you're currently experiencing...

If you’re ready to put and end to the hope and prayer strategy, and you're ready to start attracting more amazing clients and earning what you deserve…

Click here and start transforming your business today!

Within a few minutes you can have access to our Magic Proposal Methodology Workshop so you can begin seeing results in business. 

The workshop will give step-by-step instructions on how to quickly transform your proposals and ultimately your business.

The entire workshop is less than 60 minutes long so you don’t waste time going through hours of useless/filler content.

This short - no fluff - workshop provides you with checklists, scripts, templates, and a proven strategic way to attract better clients and finally position yourself as the only logical choice. 

I’ll look forward to seeing you on the inside. 

The Proven Way to Instantly Standout from Your Competitors, Attract BIGGER Projects, Weed Out Whiny Clients, & Finally Have the Business You Deserve
The Proposal Methodology Includes:
Secret Proposal Methodology Workshop
Setting the Stage - Initial Inquiry Engineering
The Value Bridge Script
7-Tier Proposal Template - Create Proposals in 20 Minutes or Less
A Proven Post-Proposal Follow Sequence
Copy and Paste Proposal Followup Email Scripts
...all for only $19 today
Retail Price: $79.95
Transform your business or you pay nothing!

We provide a 30 day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee.

If you sign up for MAGIC PROPOSAL METHODOLOGY and — for any reason — it doesn't meet your expectations, just shoot us an email and we'll promptly refund you 100% of your purchase.

But after witnessing the power of making a few minor tweaks to your proposal will have, we think you're gonna love it. ;)

Frequently Asked Questions
What's included when I purchase the Secret Proposal Methodology?

You get our Magic Proposal Methodology Workshop.

You'll see the exact 7-Step Methodology that we've used to sell nearly $10M worth of projects.

Here's how it works:

In the last few years my team and I have:

  • Invested substantial money testing variations of our proposal.
  • Sold millions of dollars worth of new projects.
  • Converted over 58+% of prospects into happy, paying clients.

And along the way we have perfected the psychology of creating irresistible proposals.

More importantly, like any good scientists, we've documented each strategy step-by-step along the way so our best ideas could be repeated over and over again.

There's no fluff - all specific, actionable advice.

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Why only $19?

If you're thinking $19 is cheap, so what's the catch.  Here are few reasons:

1. I'm not making this available for the money - our agency is generating plenty of cashflow and makes a nice profit.

2.  I love helping freelancer's who feel trapped and stuck in their business break through to the next level.

3. This training is what I wish someone would have made available to me in the early days of my business.

4. People value what they pay for! If I simply gave the information away for free, you wouldn't value it.

I also believe that once you experience the power of our Magic Proposal Methodology you'll want to learn more and maybe just you'll want to work with us in the future.

But that's it...

No fine print, free trial periods, no shenanigans. Just the information you need and the results you want.

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Is there a guarantee?

Yep, all our trainings have a 30-day, no-questions-asked guarantee.

You can use all the tools and strategies from the Magic Proposal Methodology for a full 30 days.

If you aren't convinced the strategies, tools and information will help you close more proposals and attract better clients, simply send an email to support [at]  and we'll gladly refund 100% of your money.

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Will I receive anything in the mail?
Nope. The Magic Proposal Methodology workshop is 100% digital - and delivered immediately (with a few minutes) after your purchase.

That means no waiting. You can immediately begin applying strategies and experiencing results in your business.
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Q. What happens after I purchase the Magic Proposal Methodology?

Within minutes of placing your order you'll receive an email containing your login credentials to access the Secret Proposal Methodology dashboard. From this dashboard you'll be able access all of the sessions and bonus materials.
The Proven Way to Instantly Standout from Your Competitors, Attract BIGGER Projects, Weed Out Whiny Clients, & Finally Have the Business You Deserve
The Proposal Methodology Includes:
Secret Proposal Methodology Workshop
Setting the Stage - Initial Inquiry Engineering
The Value Bridge Script
7-Tier Proposal Template - Create Proposals in 20 Minutes or Less
A Proven Post-Proposal Follow Sequence
Copy and Paste Proposal Followup Email Scripts
...all for only $19 today
Retail Price: $79.95